
What is the most popular new business in London?

The United Kingdom is a country that strongly supports business. This is especially true for startups.

Let’s remember that a startup is a subcategory of entrepreneurial activity that aims to implement a new, fresh, unusual idea. Startups appeared during the development of internet companies engaged in the latest technologies.

According to personal finance type, a startup is any company that is ready to offer the consumer a service (product) that was not previously presented on the consumer market, so to speak, innovative.

A startup differs from a business from scratch in that any business is a repeat of an existing idea. For example, opening another company to install windows, doors, another cafe, shop, etc. A startup is a business that, although it starts from scratch, has a fundamentally new idea. In addition, the advantage of a startup is that investors are more likely to invest in innovative businesses. Credit companies have become very popular at the same time.

Interesting startup ideas in the UK

In modern Britain, many entrepreneurs start a business. Despite the pandemic and the resulting crisis, despite Brexit, the United Kingdom is facing an entrepreneurial boom. In particular, a lot of startups are opening in the country.

There are many benefits to running a startup business in the UK, according to women’s entrepreneur:

  • Fast online company registration (up to 24 hours).
  • Government support for business.
  • Flexible tax system.
  • System developed under English law.
  • The prestige of the jurisdiction.
  • A UK startup community whose members are always ready to help newcomers.
  • Great investment opportunities.

There is no denying that it is difficult to come up with a good startup idea. At first glance, all the promising options have already been implemented. But, believe me, life goes on and on, with a competent approach there is always a chance.

Let’s start with what is interesting for today’s UK residents? The British keep up with the world’s top trends. The inhabitants of the kingdom are attracted by a healthy lifestyle, environmental protection, self-education, and high technology. And if there is interest, then you can make money on it. Based on this, here are some business ideas for a startup:

  1. Vegan business. What is veganism? This is not just a direction of vegetarianism, it is a way of life and thinking. The United Kingdom is a country whose people are obsessed with health and the environment. And a fashion trend can easily be put at the center of your startup. And here are just a few directions: yoga tours, vegetarian cafes, organic stores, cosmetics, and more.
  2. A new life for plastic. Britain was one of the first to wage war on disposable plastics, which are harmful to nature. Given this, it is worth thinking about new ideas, alternatives to plastic containers. How do you like Ooho’s edible water bottle technology, which is a gelatinous sphere? Another starting option is plastic recycling (plastic recycling service, eco-friendly packaging, etc.).
  3. Smartphone smartphone app. No one, whether in Russia or the United Kingdom, likes to see a doctor again. This startup will allow you to develop applications on your phone that will allow you to monitor your health without the help of a doctor. People are now gaining more and more confidence in digital health and realizing its potential as a faster and more cost-effective solution. Today’s medical applications are a novelty that could be a successful startup in 2020.
  4. The best tool to keep your mind in shape is self-education. There are start-up projects in the UK that aim to create electronic educational resources and applications. The trend has not gone unnoticed by the government. In the UK, there is a separate government body, EdTechUK, which can support start-ups.